I haven't helped Kasia out in'a minute...
So for awhile I didn't have any access to a computer because I recently moved to IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE, Maryland. As bad as that sucked, I'm back with some nice eye-candy, strange accessories and some music for the hungry ears.
Well! This has been out for a few months so bear with me, but I just now laid my eyes on it...the Chanel Perspex Briefcase. Now I know Chanel comes out with some tasty lookin' accessories...but come on. look at it!
I gotta admit, the little "necessity" slots for your purse, iPod, make-up and glasses is a nice touch but really, this?
Maybe it's my distaste for the over-the-top fashion for the working men and women that turns me off to this, but I don't know. Yay or nay?
Anyway, I recently went out with a great friend (peep his blog! http://www.definitecise.blogspot.com/) for a walk around DC and went to the National Portrait Gallery in Gallery Place. I think I'm in love! It's divided into three floors and my favorite was the third. I'll update this later with some pictures of the collections, but until then, take my word on it, the gallery was lovely.
Before I go, I want to put up a video of La Roux, a duo who's got me a little curious. I think the music is okay but what do you think?
I'm personally into Elly Jackson's (the singer) choice in style.
Well that's all for today, I know Kasia did her own blog today but whatever ;]