It's too early in the morning for this ish...
So I think instead of straining for something constructive to post on here, Kasia and I should just go off and post what we feel like, so by the end of the piece we'll have something interesting today.
So so so....I've been sleeping more, bed at eight up at five (school's got us all under it's not so attractive thumb) but I still don't feel refreshed. What a bummer.
A shout out Eryn! Happy birthday bruhhh.
Instead of rambling on about the latest pair of shoes or a not so interesting watch I wanna bring up something political today...
The Cincinnati Tea Party!
I dunno, it just interests they're going to storm the streets of D.C to protest against government taxes.
I'm not much for the republican, democratic debates because I was never too hungry to throw myself into politics but I don't know...protests inspire me.
Well I should get started on this photography project...gotta make a diagram of a TLR camera. Let's see if my drawing is still decent...
So long!