These are a few of my favorite things...
Ironically, two of my major obsessions have just, or about to, hit the scenes for my happy Asian convenience.
In case I haven't already told you, I'm kind of in love with the series House M.D that airs on Fox. Well I've tried my hardest to be faithful in watching all the episodes but when it hits five gets hard. I'm putting the past behind me though, because as of September 21st (which is ironically my two year anniversary with the male piece...) House Season Six will air! Am I excited? That's an understatement. Mental Wards, Hugh Laurie I missed you so...
Anyway...number two on the obsession list is none other than the oh-so-talented Kid Cudi. I know I know! I'm a little late with the post but his new album (which has yet to be officially sold) Man on the Moon was leaked out to hungry online fans on Sept. 6th. Did I peep the songs? HELL YES! All I can say is good job Cudi...good job. I'm looking forward to actually BUYING the album, which I have to admit, I haven't done in some time now. Oh Kid Cudi, what will you do next?!